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Westphalian Chicken

Westphalian Chicken
The Westphalian chicken (German: Westfälischer Totleger) is old hardy landrace of chicken, which is more than 400 years old. It is a rare breed. As of 2009, only 301 roosters and 1353 hens were officially registered.
Although German name "Tot" means "death" and "Leger" means nonsitters (hen which legs eggs), the real
meaning is another. Due to the considerable ability to produce eggs, the breed was called "Alltagsleger" (each day nonsitters, it means it legs an egg each day) or "Dauerleger". Under the influence of Low German was the name changed into "Doutleijer". Later, from this Low German word develop into "Totleger". Derivation from "legs eggs till the death" is thus not correct.
It is old landrace from Westphalia. It is closely related with East Frisian Gull and Braekel.
It is kept in 2 colours: Gold Pencilled and Silver Pencilled. The roosters weigh 2-2,5 kg and the hens from 1,5–2 kg. The hens are nonsitters, produce 200-243 eggs per year of 55-65 g weight.

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